Monday, February 9, 2009

Changing Weather

Spring is on the way! All you have to do is watch for the signs in nature. The sun rises a little earlier, sets a little later. The warmer days arrive and stay around for more days. The cold, cold nights begin their temporal climb.
I don't mind the winter really, I just get tired of it and am ready to see some color added to the landscape. I'm ready to get my gardens going and break out the saddles for the horses. I'm tired of being in the house so much, I'd much rather be at the barn.
This winter has been so wet. Not much snow, we don't see as much snow as we used to but plenty of rain and the mud is everywhere. It can suck your boots off of you when you walk through the paddock. Having dogs it's tracked all through the house. Trying to keep it clean is a losing battle. We need the rain though so can't complain about that. My gardens will be better for it I'm sure.

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